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RetiredCrabbyPpl vs Trollll! Dyrus, TheOddOne, Bjergsen, DoubleLift and Hai play ranked 5's! NA 5.20
RetiredCrabbyPpl vs SKT TZ! Dyrus, TheOddOne, Bjergsen, DoubleLift and Hai play ranked 5's! NA 5.20
[Ranked 5s] Bjergsen / Dyrus / Hai / TheOddOne / Doublelift - Fiora Gameplay - League of Legends
CLG Doublelift and the team diving botlane in Ranked 5's
Old people ranked 5s
[Rank 5s] NA All-Star Fire - Bjergsen / Aphromoo / Doublelift / Dyrus / Meteos - Zed Gameplay
"Alright guys, that was great." -Doublelift
[LoL] Manmode Dyrus and TheOddOne 2v4
They dont call me doublelift for nothing
Sherbrooke Gaming Team vs RetiredCrabbyPpl
[Ranked 5s] Doublelift / Hai / Kaniggit / Xpecial / Peter - Lee Sin Gameplay - League of Legends
Doublelift wants to crush Blitzcrank-picker feat Bjergsen